
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Remote Learning - what to expect from Lowther Endowed School

This information is to be used as a general guide for parents/carers for remote learning for their child as and when it is required. Lowther Endowed School will be providing remote education using Google Classroom and its associated apps.


There are two possible scenarios for needing remote learning.  The first scenario is where your child (or family) have to self-isolate and are unable to attend school and the second scenario is when a whole bubble/or whole school is not permitted to attend school (local/national lockdown/positive cases across the school). 





If your child is self-isolating and well:-

  • On the first day of isolating, after informing school, if your child is not ill themselves, they should go onto Google Classroom and complete any outstanding homework, catch up with reading, and either use some Bitesize lessons or Oak Academy (links below) appropriate for their age group.  Alternatively they could do some research on their current topic and write about it or prepare a slideshow on Google Slides to share with their teacher and class.


  • The class teacher will then send work at the end of the first day of isolation (and each day until return to school) via Google Classroom, which the class have been completing in class through the use of Google Slides, Google Docs (worksheets) and any links to websites including BBC Bitesize, Oak Academy and Purple Mash.  If possible, Power Maths books will be sent home to complete sections as identified by the class teacher (these must returned immediately on return to school).


  • The class teacher will be available via email or by telephone at the end of the school day if support is needed.  The school office can be contacted if support with Google Classroom is required.


Whole school/class lockdown

If the whole school or class go into isolation, our school will continue to provide a similar curriculum at home, as we would have in school with some amendments (ie less practical activities, such as music/PE)

  • Each day the class teacher will record a short daily video (on Google Meet) available on Google Classroom, greeting the class and discussing the timetable and work for the day.  This daily timetable will closely align with the normal school week, with maths and English being set for mornings, and more practical work for the afternoons.
  • Work will be uploaded by 8:45 am each day.
  • It is expected that work will be completed during the school day, for marking/comment by the teacher, each day.  The teacher will use Google Slides, Google Meet for videos (including stories read) and Google Documents (with voice over instructions) or Google Quizzes for worksheets.  They will record some lessons.  Children will be able to do work away from the computer and upload a photograph.  It is NOT expected that worksheets be printed out at home, unless children/families are able to and want to.
  • Class teachers will signpost parents/pupils to commercially available websites supporting teaching including video clips.
  • Feedback will be provided including constructive feedback to ensure pupils are meeting the correct standards in their learning.
  • Class teachers/head teacher will offer to telephone each family weekly.
  • Class teachers/head teacher will telephone if work is not completed to see how they can support families to do so.
  • Children may be invited to a Google Meet  at least twice weekly with the rest of their class to catch  up with their class teacher/TAs.  Details will be sent out during the school week if schedule


Remote Teaching Time - in line with DfE's expectations

  • KS1 pupils will receive 3 hours a day on average (with less for younger children)
  • KS2 pupils will receive up to 4 hours a day


School understands that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home.  We will endeavour to lend or source laptops or tablets to pupils (please contact school via email).  We will apply for devices that enable an internet connection (ie routers)


We offer printed material as set out on this page, or can print work to be collected from Lowther Endowed School on a weekly basis.  


Our school recognises that some pupils with additional needs, may not be able to access remote education without the support of an adult at home.  Our SENCo will get in touch with you if your child has SEND to support you with this.  we encourage you to get in contact with school if your child is struggling with any aspects of home learning at the earliest opportunity.


Additional Information

Additional information you need to be aware of includes the following:-

  • The school will provide you with all the important contact information for key members of staff (ie headteacher/teacher)
  • Any concerns regarding safety of your child should be directed to the school's designated safeguarding lead.
  • Techers will monitor work completed to ensure your child is still completing set work.

Supporting your child's learning

  • Keep to routine as much as possible so your child knows what to expect.
  • Keep active - ensure your child is getting enough exercise
  • Stay sociable - organise with other parents to arrange video calls with your child's friends so they can stay connected during social hours.

For younger children:-

  • Incorporate learning in make-believe play
  • Play educational games with numbers or letters and read together.
  • Involve them in things you are doing ... talk about them.



If you do not have internet access at home or access to a device, the packs below should be used. Please contact the school if you need any packs printing.

Please be aware that although these will be year group appropriate, they will not follow the class learning in the way that work on Google Classroom will.  Following Google Classroom work will ensure that children who isolate individually will be following work that is as similar as possible to those children in the class and not miss anything in the sequence of learning across all subjects.  If the whole class is isolating, following Google Classroom work will allow your child’s learning to follow the sequence of learning in class and be picked straight up again, on return by all the pupils.

Should you require further lessons for your child, BBC Bitesize and the Oak Academy has a range of lessons for each year group that can be used.


YEAR 1:  Children can use ‘Letters and Sounds’ online videos Autumn Term Year 1 Lessons 1 to 10. These lessons are reviewing sounds that we regularly need to revisit in school as children commonly muddle them.


YEAR 2: Children can use ‘Letters and Sounds’ online videos Autumn Term Year 2 Lessons 1 to 10 Phonics Screening Check Revision. These lessons are reviewing sounds and skills that the children need to be able to do the Phonics Reading Check during the Autumn Term.
