
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying


Design and Technology


The long-term plan covers KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum and shows coverage of the EYFS activities. At Lowther Endowed School, we have adopted the Kapow Design and Technology scheme to help inspire lessons and know that they are planned and sequenced to enable the aims of the National Curriculum to be covered. Lessons are planned to promote clear progression of learning. Design Technology is alternated with Art and Design teaching, each half term.


Design and Techology Progression of Skills & Knowledge

Take a look at our wonderful work... 

As part our Design Technology unit, the children have tested different ways of joining materials; including gluing, pinning, stitching and stapling. They have designed/ labelled their puppet characters, and today they have been busy stitching their puppets! We were so impressed with their perseverance. Well done.




Cooking and Nutrition


Otters have been reading, following and adapting a fabulous Phunky Food Recipe to create 'Under The Sea' Wraps today. The children loved trying salmon and spinach and making their creations look appetising with salad leaves, pepper, tomatoes and cucumber. Delicious! (July 2023)


The finished articles! Some fabulous DT skills shown in creating these Egyptian collars. I think some members of otters have found a new hobby!

Lesson 1 & 2: Exploring sliders and movement & making our own slider mechanisms.

Make Do & Mend - KS2 Y5/6
