
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying


Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Lowther Endowed Curriculum Statement

At Lowther Endowed School we consider ourselves part of a whole school family.  This encompasses our overarching philosophy - we are a small school and every member of staff knows and nurtures each child.  We strongly believe that every pupil, as they leave Lowther, should go onto the next part of their learning journey with a lifelong love of learning, fantastic memories and a strong sense of self-worth.  Learning to learn is something we are working hard to develop - a growth mind-set is key to this.  We firmly believe that a rich variety of experiences both in and out the classroom will embed this knowledge, skills and this passion and thirst for learning. 

Our environment and our community is beautiful and rich in history and it is a central part of our school life.  Sport, healthy living, responsibility towards our immediate and wider environment and the use of the outdoors feature high in the Lowther curriculum: this is something we are committed to further embed.  We believe this leads to happy, active and healthy children - mentally and physically - who have respect for themselves and others, a sense of responsibility for their world and an understanding of their place within it.


Our school day starts at 8:55 am

and finishes at 3:25 PM (KS1) and 3:30 PM (KS2)

We have a variety of assemblies throughout the week which includes class assemblies, Key stage assemblies,  including with Mrs Evans from NISCU and we finish off with a celebration assembly on a Friday.

Overall curriculum aim:-


  • To ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum on a two-year rolling programme, embedded within an ambitious cross-curricular, well-sequenced programme of learning that excites and fuels independent students with high self-expectations and solid knowledge to build on;
  • To develop pupils' growth mindset and to make them resilient, creative and inquisitive learners - ready for life in the 21st century


Curriculum Intent

Pupils, parents, staff and governors believe our key drivers are:-

  1. Developing everyone's full potential and developing confidence, resilience and self belief;
  2. Constantly revising and improving our cross curriculum, exciting and outward looking curriculum that broadens children's life experiences of our world;
  3. Ensuring we make the most of our local environment and history to enhance learning;
  4. Putting friendship and kindness at the heart of all we do;
  5. Ensuring our school is at the heard of the community and the children understand their place in it.

Our two year curriculum overview for all classes (2022-23 YEAR 1; 2023-24 YEAR 2)

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.  Many thanks.

At Lowther, we use ESL (Essential Letters and Sounds) to teach phonics.

ELS - Essential Letters & Sounds (
