
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying


Curriculum – 2 year cycle INTENT


Cycle 1

History  content NC

Cycle 2

History content NC


1.a. All about Me

1.b Great Fire of London


2a. Superheroes/ People Who Help

2b. Houses and Homes 


3. Castles - local area study


1.a. Our School Locality

1.b. Africa (Ongoing: Weather/Seasonal Changes)


2.a Toys Old and New 

2.b. Transport


3a. Local Farming

3b. Seaside 


1.Stone Age to Iron Age


2.a.Volcanoes and Earthquakes

2.b Romans- local area study


3.a. Exploring Europe

3.b Pirates


1.Ancient Egypt


2. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings


3. Amazon v Eden


1.On Our Doorstep - local area study


2. Awesome Journeys and Mountains (Space)


3. Bright Lights, Big City - Edinburgh


1.a. Mini Topic: North America

1.b Make Do and Mend


2.a. Fit for Life

2.b. Ancient Greeks


3.a Mini Topic: The Mayans

3. b. Keen to Be Green 

Progression Planning for History

What History looks like in the EYFS...

Links to Development Matters (3-4 years)

Understanding the World 

Begin to make sense of own life story and family’s history

Continue to develop positive attitudes about the differences between people

EYFS – Early Learning Goals

Reception: Understanding the World 

  • Talk about members of their immediate family and community.
  • Name & describe people who are familiar to them.
  • Comment on images of familiar situations in the past.
  • Compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past.

ELG: Understanding the World / Past and Present   

• Talk about the lives of people around them and their roles in society.

• Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.

• Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling.


Our Historical Cultural capital

  1. We aim to ensure our History curriculum builds on previous knowledge and experience and exposes pupils to new opportunities in order to link their culture to a wider one.
  2. We aim to ensure our History curriculum reflects diverse voices - our pupils know the ‘best’ from all groups in society - including inter-generational, multi-faith,  gender neutral, mixed-race teaching and activities .
  3. We aim to enable pupils to make connections between people and events in different places around the world and between different historical eras.


Castles - History Knowledge Organiser

Otters have enjoyed their zoom meeting with the British Museum, London, this afternoon as part of our Ancient Egyptians topic. They became myth busters for the museum and learned lots of new facts about Ancient Egypt #enjoyingourlearning #BritishMuseum

Spring 2024 - The children loved the Toys & Games workshop lead by members of staff from Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery this afternoon. This real life experience, was a great way to start our new topic about the history of toys! The children handled real toys from the past, from over 100 years ago to the modern day! They were challenged to think about how we can tell a toy is old, the materials a toy is made from and the different ways in which toys can move. The children were encouraged to draw parallels between toys they play with today and those that were played with in the past. They had the opportunity to watch some old footage of children playing with some toys of the past, as well as ordering some toys from oldest to newest. Finally, they loved making their own puppet toys! We were impressed with their questions and super answers; and how they explored all toys with respect. Well done! ⭐️ Wow, what a fantastic learning experience; Mrs Thomas, our History subject lead, will be thrilled to hear all about our afternoon and the new subject knowledge that the children now have.
