
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Hedgehogs (Rec/Yr1)

Hello and welcome to Hedgehogs' class!  We are a reception and Year 1 class, and Miss Booth is class our teacher.  We are also very lucky to have Mrs Gill to support us with our phonics and English work.  

Our classroom has lots of areas for us to explore, play and learn, and these are changed regularly based on our topics and interests.  We are proud of the work that we do, and our teachers display our work for everyone to see!  
















We are also very lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor area and we do a lot of our learning outside; whatever the weather!  We also have an amazing wildlife area where we make dens, look for mini-beasts, explore, and use our imagination.  Our outdoor space is now even more exciting, as we have a new sandpit, water run, music station, book nook, huge balance scales, den-making equipment and so much more! 

































































Our Summer topic is

'Local Farming'

(Please see Topic Plan below)


Miss Booth also plans from our interests.  This keeps us busy, engaged, and excited to learn!


This term, PE is on a Monday and Wednesday (Action-Ants)Miss Booth would like us to wear our PE kits to school on these days.   It is important that we have our names in our PE kits and our school uniform.  




Home Learning


Reception / Year 1 - Daily phonics to reinforce our ELS Phonics work.


Reading Raffle -  Our children are encouraged to read to an adult at home, as this will embed what they are doing to phonics and ensure that they become more confident readers.  Aiming for 4-5 times a week is important.   Decodable books will be sent home, along with a book for pleasure. 

(All children will receive a raffle ticket and will be in with a chance of winning a brand new book!)  


The children are enjoying our new 'Essential Letter Sounds' phonics scheme.  


Here at Lowther Endowed School, we aim to instill a love of reading from the very beginning of a child's reading journey.



Thank you for visiting our class page. 


Miss Booth smiley   

Summer Topic Planner 2024

Spring Topic Planner 2024

Spring Topic Planner 2023

Supporting Transition from Reception to Year 1 - Mapping Curriculum Objectives

28/02/24 - As part of our Geography fieldwork, the children in year 1 carried out a traffic survey in our local area. They made a tally chart to see how many different vehicles passed in 15 minutes

The children in reception and KS1 have been learning fencing skills.  They were able to perform movements such as lunges, parries and attacks!  Thank you Lee!  They children had lots of fun. 

The children loved the Toys & Games workshop lead by members of staff from Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery this afternoon.  This real life experience, was a great way to start our new topic about the history of toys!  The children handled real toys from the past, from over 100 years ago to the modern day!  They were challenged to think about how we can tell a toy is old, the materials a toy is made from and the different ways in which toys can move.  The children were encouraged to draw parallels between toys they play with today and those that were played with in the past.  They had the opportunity to watch some old footage of children playing with some toys of the past, as well as ordering some toys from oldest to newest.  Finally, they loved making their own puppet toys!  We were impressed with their questions and super answers; and how they explored all toys with respect.  Well done! ⭐️ Wow, what a fantastic learning experience; Mrs Thomas, our History subject lead, will be thrilled to hear all about our afternoon and the new subject knowledge that the children now have.

Spring 2024. In science, we have been learning about forces and how toys work. The children sorted the toys into a Venn Diagram; Push, Pull or both.

As part of our Africa topic, Mrs Daley (Emma) told us all about her time spent visiting Tanzania and taught us a song that the children would sing before going to school. We also tasted ‘ugali’ and beans; which is a popular African dish.

Computing in our class....


The Tiger really did come for tea!

Learning about our local area with Mrs Gill. This afternoon, the children loved looking at online digimaps and learning how to use a compass!

What better way to learn about the United Kingdom! #Geography

The Year 1 children developing their mouse skills. Autumn 2023

People who help us! Real life experiences....

Enjoying our learning & Loving our Environment!
