
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Badgers (Yr5/6)

Welcome to Badgers,


We have 19 children in Badgers and we are a mixed Year 5 and 6 Class. Mrs Douthwaite and Mrs Weild are our class teachers throughout the week. We also have Miss Tickner and Mrs Pinkerton supporting us throughout the week.  Mrs Gill will be teaching us RE and Ms Thwaites will be teaching us science.


                                               We are all different but we fit together.


Last year, Badgers created this motto to express the importance of accepting each other for who we are.  As individuals we can work better as a team. Team work and positive communication is something that we will focus on throughout the year.


In Badgers, the children are being encouraged to set a positive example to the rest of the school as they are now the oldest class and the younger pupils will always look up to them. 


Our classroom enables children to work independently, in small groups and as a whole class.   You can look at our Facebook page for updates, where you can see exactly what we are up to.


Autumn Term Topic

This term our topic is 'Make Do and Mend WW2' with a mini geography topic of North America.  Please have a look at the topic plan below for more information about all our subjects this term.  Knowledge Organisers will also be shared for some of the subjects with key learning and key vocabulary.



P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Fridays.  This term our Friday lessons will be with Lee from Action Ants, whilst our Tuesday sessions will be Dance with Mrs Pinkerton from ACT Youth Theatre.  

Please come to school in complete outdoor school P.E. kit on P.E. days - yellow / white T-shirts, blue or black shorts, trainers and a tracksuit.  Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed or covered with tape.


Our homework includes:

Reading - Set daily. Read every day at home for 5 - 10 minutes.  It is still very important to read to an adult at least four times a week.  When children have read, they should complete their own reading record.  Each week reading records will be checked.  This year ALL children will be entered into our Reading Raffle on a Friday.  

Spellings -   Set weekly 

Spelling homework will be set on a Monday and handed in on a Monday.


Maths - Year 5 need to practise their times tables and division facts on TTRS for at least 10 minutes each week. If you would prefer a paper copy of the activity please ask.

Year 6 will complete one SATs activity each week.  It will be set on a Thursday and handed in on a Thursday.


Homework club will be held on Friday lunchtime for those who need it.



If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mrs Douthwaite or Mrs Weild, or contact us via email:  or



We hope that you enjoy our page and continue to be impressed by the wonderful work from this talented Badgers class!



Keen to Be Green - Door Planner

'Keen To Be Green'
