
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Badgers (Yr5/6)

Badgers class 2024-2025

Edinburgh 2025 residential information

Welcome to Badgers!


We hope you are all keeping well and that you had a lovely summer break! We can’t wait to hear all about it!


We are looking forward to a fun-filled, busy year ahead, with lots of exciting things planned for this term. 


Badgers are taught by Mrs Douthwaite (Monday and Tuesday), and Ms Thwaites (Wednesday, Thursday morning and Friday), with Mrs Weild teaching science on a Thursday afternoon. 


Our topic for this term will be ‘On our doorstep’, where we will be learning all about our local area, including the history of our school and local area, with a focus on geographical skills of map work and field work. 


Our class readers will be ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio, and ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman


This term, PE takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please could children come to school wearing suitable PE kit on those days. Please ensure they wear warm clothes suitable for outdoor activities, due to the changeable weather at this time of year. 


Spellings - children will receive spelling homework on a Monday, to be returned by the following Monday. All children will continue to have log ins for edshed, which follow the same spelling pattern as their homework. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings on this website / app regularly. 


Homework - maths homework - this year, each child will be bringing home a CGP times tables book each Thursday, to complete one ‘workout’ per week, and return the book the following Thursday to be marked and returned. Please also continue to encourage your children to practise their times tables on ttrockstars.


It is very important that the children continue to read daily at home where possible, and log their reading in their reading record. 


If any parent / grandparent / aunt or uncle has a regular spare half an hour (or more!), we would very much appreciate any help in class with listening to our children read.. Please do get in touch if you or somebody you know could help with this - we would be very grateful!

Equipment - school will continue to provide children with a water bottle, which will remain in school and be washed each evening. No pencil cases will be needed as we have these within school. 


We are looking forward to seeing you all and having an exciting term in school!


Mrs Douthwaite and Ms Thwaites




On our doorstep - Door Planner - Autumn 2024
