
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying


We are so lucky to have laptops and iPads available for each class.  Our computing journey is going from strength to strength.   The well-planned sequence of learning ensures the progression of key skills.

Our young Digital Leaders also help to promote computing across the curriculum. 

Curriculum – 2 year cycle INTENT


Cycle 1

Computing content NC

Cycle 2

Computing content NC


Reception 2create a story (BC), busy bodies (BC), boats ahoy (BC), summer fun (BC)

Year 1 pictograms (PM), animated stories (PM), coding (PM), 


Cycle 2 to be reviewed and edited in summer 2023 for all classes


Minimash, 2design and make, 2Beat, 2paint a picture, 2create a story, introduction to tech at home


Year 3 curriculum

Coding (PM), online photographs (TC)

Stop motion animation (TC), programming (TC)

Branching simulations (TC), creating music (TC)


Year 4 curriculum

Online safety (PM), animation (PM)

Spreadsheets (PM), writing for different audiences (PM)

Hardware investigators, coding (PM)


Year 5 curriculum

Coding (PM), concept maps (PM), 

Spreadsheets, programming (TC)

3D modelling (PM), website design (TC)


Year 6 curriculum

Coding (PM), online safety (PM)

Spreadsheets (PM), text adventurers 


TC = teach computing            PM = purple mash              BC = barefoot computing

The Year 1 children developing their mouse skills Autumn term 2023

Computing in Year 1...

EYFS – Development Matters*


PSED - Remember rules without an adult needing to remind them

PD - match their developing physical skills to tasks and activities within the setting

UtW - explore how things work


PSED - show resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge

  • Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing (screen time limits)

PD - develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently

EAaD - explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings


Computing Cultural Capital

Our computing curriculum exposes all pupils to experiences they otherwise would not have had.

  1. We empower pupils to apply their computing skills and knowledge to the wider curriculum and acknowledge links between subjects.
  2. Pupils explore how ideas in computing have inspired others, and they create digital products which incorporate their own beliefs.
  3. Pupils develop morally through the encouragement of good etiquette when using technology.
  4. Socially; pupils are encouraged to assist one another in problem solving.


As part of our Computing Curriculum, we use a comprehensive scheme of work to teach aspects of Online Safety explicitly throughout the year. Project Evolve is an online based scheme of work which is constantly 'evolving' to ensure the online safety messages that children and young people are being taught are delivered in a way that is more appropriate; more meaningful; that encourages reflection; that generates positive outcomes and are updating regularly to reflect the changing world. 


Online Safety content is separated into eight strands which are taught throughout the year covering everything from online relationships to copyright and ownership.

computing knowledge organisers
