At Lowther Endowed School, we use the Jigsaw scheme as a basis to teach personal, social and health education (incorporating sex and relationships education). We use the scheme on a two year rolling programme and adapt to the needs of the children. Lessons are either groups or taught weekly and assembly themes follow the scheme throughout the year. We even add in the songs to help reinforce key messages.
6 Jigsaw pieces - one each half term, followed by the whole school
Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Differences
Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Summer 2: Relationships
Summer 3: Changing Me
In addition to PSHE lessons, we use Kidsafe materials, with sessions led by our Kidsafe Tutor, Ms Thwaites. Information on this can be found at KidSafe UK Children’s Mental Health & Safeguarding for Schools. Ms Thwaites updates her training for this annually.
This year in addition to Jigsaw and Kidsafe, we are working on training the whole school to use the Decider Skills. The Decider Skills are cognitive behaviour therapy skills that are evidence-based and effective to help everyone manage their emotions and help us all to make positive changes. It is designed to help everyone to learn and practise the skills to increase coping and confidence, and improve our mental health and wellbeing.
Information on Decider Skills can be found at The Decider Skills | The Decider
Laura Thwaites is our qualified Kidsafe Tutor and she plans in sessions for each class, each year as well as responding to any issues that arise and need a whole class focus. This work blends together with the Jigsaw curriculum and aspects of on-line safety using Project Evolve, to ensure that children at Lowther grow up understanding how to navigate and stay safe in our world.