FOLS exists to raise extra funds to help the school pay for trips and equipment that School might not otherwise be able to have. For example, we will help with the cost of transport for class trips, the year 6 leavers hoodies, subscriptions etc. FOLS relies on parents’ support and enthusiasm to assist the school in giving our children fun and educational experiences.
Throughout the year we organise events that everyone can get involved with – sometimes our aim is to raise funds, sometimes it’s just to have some fun and provide a chance for the children, their families and the community to get together!
Past events have included Easter Bunny Chocolate Bingo, the Summer Fair, a Barn Dance, a Beetle Drive, the Big Breakfast, Christmas Fair and of course our popular Christmas Hamper Raffle.
FOLS is made up of a small group of parents who hold bi-monthly meetings to discuss fundraising ideas. We are always looking for fresh ideas and new faces to join us. Every child at Lowther School benefits from the money FOLS makes and to that end we encourage every parent, carer or relative to try and get involved in whatever way they can.
Please keep your eye out on here and on school newsletters for details of the date, time and venue of our next meeting! If you can spare half an hour, please do pop along for a drink and a chat. Our meetings are super informal and everyone really is welcome!
You can contact FOLS via their Facebook page or by email: