
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Food – snack times, lunches

Food & mealtimes:

We feel it is incredibly important from the earliest age to help children develop a healthy relationship with food.  We are very lucky that we are able to provide healthy, balanced meals provided by Anthony Marques, our chef in the school on-site kitchen fresh every day in term-time.   We source local products where possible to deliver seasonal menus that are adapted to meet individual dietary requirements if need be.  

From aged one, a child may have a school dinner which allows children to eat the same healthy foods, whilst promoting good eating habits, social interaction and develop independence.  Children sit with our nurturing staff who offer support and encouragement when needed.  All our meals are served in small groups.

The children have a snack time in the morning and afternoon.  This is depending on each individual child’s needs eg sleep, own snacks and when they last ate.  We always provide fruit each day, alternating between the morning and afternoon snack, and provide a mixture of other snacks - such as toast, yoghurts, cultural foods, vegetables etc. 

A record is kept of what each child eats throughout the day and communicated through our Famly App.


School lunches are provided term-time only.

School dinners need to be ordered online.  They need to be booked and paid for in advance and via the SchoolMoney online system by at least Thursday for the following week.  They can be ordered several weeks in advance too.  Meals currently cost £1.90 for babies and £2.70 for over twos.

Menus can be found at the school website at Menus | Lowther Endowed School and full instructions for using the App can also be found on our website (see Nursery section)

We offer water and semi-skimmed cow’s milk (skimmed if parental preference).  Water is offered at snack time, lunchtime and teatime as well as throughout the day.

Packed Lunches: - if your child brings in a packed lunch or tea, a team member will sort it out, by putting any food into the refrigerator.  If food needs reheating, it will be done in the microwave, and will be heated over 75 degrees centigrade and allowed to cool; making sure it is a safe temperature before giving it to the children.


Unsuitable Foods: -

Most foods are fine but we do adhere to our healthy eating policy, follow food safety guidance as well as considering children’s allergies.  We are unable to cook any foods (but can heat).  We are a sweet, nut and chocolate free nursery.  Rice cannot be reheated.  All ready-meals need to have full cooking instructions with them please and then can be heated up accordingly.  Any food item that has exceeded its date will be returned home.  If food has been previously frozen, please ensure that it is thoroughly defrosted and please inform a team member.  It is vital that you inform us of any allergies your child has and keep us regularly updated. 

