
Lowther Endowed School
& Little VIPs Day Care

Achieving, Caring, Enjoying

Healthy & Safety - links and advice

Health and Safety information:


As we are well aware, children have minor illnesses that do not prevent them from attending the nursery.  However, there are some circumstances when children will need to stay at home:

  • If your child has diarrhoea/vomiting, they MUST stay at home for 48 hours from their last episode.
  • If your child acquires a doubtful rash, please seek medical advice before bringing them into nursery.
  • If your child has a contagious illnesses/infections such as chicken-pox, mumps & measles (see exclusion periods on next page)
  • If your child has a fever or a temperature (of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees centigrade or over).


If your child becomes ill while at Little VIPs, we will ensure that we contact parents/carers as soon as possible and that the child is nursed and comforted until someone arrives to collect them. 



